Established in 1993
The First Nations Chiefs of Police Association (FNCPA) was established as a not-for-profit organization on January 7, 1993. The purpose of the FNCPA is to serve First Nations police services and First Nations territories across Canada by facilitating the highest level of professionalism and accountability, in a manner that reflects the unique cultures, constitutional status, social circumstances, traditions and aspirations of First Nations.
Formal recognition from the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) was received in 1993. The FNCPA is also formally recognized by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP). The FNCPA now has representation on the CACP Board of Directors.
The FNCPA operates with funding from the federal government. Some revenues are raised through membership fees and the FNCPA’s annual conference. The FNCPA has also received project funding to develop and provide training and various information and communications materials to member services.
The Executive Committee continues to participate on a First Nations Chiefs of Police Association/Aboriginal Policing Directorate Coordination Committee. This liaison committee has formulated a solid working relationship with members of the office of the Solicitor General Canada to explore ways and means for improving First Nations Policing across Canada. The coordination committee meets on a quarterly basis.
FNCPA is a non-for-profit status organization.

Visual Identity
Left: original logo
Right: redesigned logo Fall 2017
The First Nations Chiefs of Police Association was established in 1993. The Founders of FNCPA were:
Houghton, The Late Ernie
Former Chief of Police
Akwesasne Mohawk Police
Frank McKay – McKay, The Late Frank
Former Chief of Police
Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Police
Kirby, The Late Dan
Former Chief of Police
Siksika Law Enforcement
Reid, Robert
Former Chief of Police
Louis Bull Police Department
Lickers, Glenn
Retired Chief of Police
Six Nations Police
Scout, The Late Elizabeth
Former Chief of Police
Blood Tribe Police
Luloff, Wes
Retired Chief of Police
Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service
Toney, The Late John
Former Chief of Police
Eskasoni Police Department